Soundnet supports the supporters

Soundnet will add a new, free category called Come on England to Sound Leisure Milestones In Music and VHub jukeboxes in time to make the most of this year’s incredible football fixtures.

This new category will contain songs associated with supporting the England football team and will be added to jukeboxes on June 7.

“Pubs are likely to be busier than ever over the World Cup season and we want to ensure that the jukeboxes reflect this, so that sites can maximise their income,” says Soundnet’s Toby Hoyte.

On CD MIMs and VHubs a special update which includes the new Come On England category will be sent out on the 12th May. This is update 1014. The new category will automatically appear on the jukebox on June 7 then will be automatically be removed on July 14.

On online MIMs and VHubs, a special online update will activate the new Come On England category on June 7. It will be automatically removed on July 14.

If you do not want Come On England as a category on your jukebox you need to manually disable the Come On England category using the Engineers Menu on each juke after 29th April. For CD updated jukeboxes you must ensure update 0914 has been applied before you attempt to remove Come On England.

Soundnet will send the Come On England category songs as a special update for free to SNUK and Value. These songs will appear on your jukeboxes in the Venue Favourite category. Operators will need to request this update – please contact the company now to arrange.

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