New GoJumpin’ for Borehamwood

New centre is the Group's 12th opening

Borehamwood has a new and improved trampoline park, after GoJumpin took over from Megajump.

GoJumpin has added a number of new features to the 12,000 sq ft park, including racing slides where people can pit themselves against each other and there is a clock to determine the winner. There is also a drop slide where a person must try and hold on for as long as possible before sliding down to the bottom.

Other  new features include a dodgeball zone and ‘Battle Beam’ where opponents fight to see who falls of the platform first into the soft play area below.. A play area for under 5’s in close proximity to the tuck café and seating where parents can relax, is also part of the mix.

It is the group’s 12th opening.

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